Sunday June 20, 2021 2:30 PM Father's Day Glen Rock Please select a car then the seatsyou wish to reserve: Quantity Selected: 0 Anderson Lincoln New Free S Branch
The D. Reed Anderson car is a replica of an 1880s combine car. Combine cars feature both a section for passengers and a section for baggage. The D. Reed Anderson can seat up to 32 passengers, making it perfect for smaller groups. The D. Reed Anderson Features beautifully restored Hale and Kilburn 1920s cushioned walkover seats. These seats can be reversed to face the direction of travel, ensuring great views throughout the trip. The D. Reed Anderson is the farthest coach from the locomotive while the train is traveling north, but is the closest to the locomotive while the train travels south. The D. Reed Anderson features 19th Century heating and cooling, utilizing coal stoves in the colder months and open windows during the warm season. The D. Reed Anderson also offers 2 restrooms and is handicap accessible.
The Abraham Lincoln is a replica of a standard 1870’s passenger coach. The Abraham Lincoln seats up to 60 passengers. The coach is furnished in an authentic Victorian style, which features plush seats that can be reversed to face the direction of travel, ensuring great views throughout the trip. The Abraham Lincoln is the second to last coach while the train is traveling north and the 2nd coach from the locomotive while the train travels south. The Abraham Lincoln features “19th Century” heating and cooling, utilizing coal stoves in the colder months and open windows during the warm season.
The New Freedom is a replica of a standard 1860’s passenger coach. The New Freedom seats up to 56 passengers. The coach is furnished in authentic Victorian Style and Features plush seats which can be reversed to face the direction of travel. The New Freedom is the second coach while the train is traveling north and the second to last while the train travels south. The New Freedom features“19th Century” heating and cooling, utilizing coal stoves in the colder months and open windows during the warm season.
The South Branch is an 1860’s styled open air coach that seats up to 36 passengers. The South Branch features cushioned seats in the center of the car that face out to provide excellent views, in addition to wicker chairs placed in the north end of the car. The South Branch is the first coach as the train travels north, and the last car as the train travels south. In the warm season, the large windows are open to the outside air, providing gentle breezes as the train travels along. In the cold season, glass windows are installed and coal stoves provide heat.